The World's First Official

Physical Bitcoin Trading Cards

Broken money lies at the heart of many of our world’s most pressing problems. Understanding both the problem, and the solution, is the golden ticket to thriving in the future - Bitcoin is the solution.
Bitcoin is a better money to help us create a brighter future. Bitcoin Trading Cards offers a fun, simple & engaging way to learn about the problems with our current monetary system, and how Bitcoin fixes them!


Bringing the physical back to a world gone digital

Most Bitcoin education tools are online.

While widely accessible, these digital methods of learning remove an element of camaraderie and fun.

Bitcoin Trading Cards enable immersive interaction in the physical world to educate about one of the most important inventions in all of human history: the first decentralized monetary system with a fixed, limited supply.

Our mission is to make Bitcoin fun enough to spark the interest of the next generation to learn about the power of Bitcoin!

Art. Education. Fun.

Our cards are designed by world-class artists in the Bitcoin space. The back of every card features educational facts about Bitcoin. Bitcoin Trading Cards make education and collecting fun!

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Genesis Packs

Sharing the gift of a proper orange pill is the best gift you can ever give!
These cards make learning about bitcoin fun! 

Genesis packs are the perfect tool to start the engines of critical thinking with your friends and family when it comes to the topics of the broken fiat system, the power of freedom, and the world's first freedom money, bitcoin.  

These are not for collecting cards, instead they are for collecting bitcoiners!

At the same time, you, your family, and friends can have fun trading them to put together a full set, reading them out loud and testing each other on your knowledge.

Resources To Thrive

Please check out our Bitcoin Education page, and join the conversation in our Telegram Group while you continue your journey towards the glowing orange light.

Join Our Telegram Group

Learn more about the project and offer insight on what you like and don't like about Bitcoin Trading Cards. Meet other collectors and create P2P card trades within the community. Share ideas for cards for an upcoming series in our Telegram group.